Universal Wisdom and Character Education | News Break

Reid Friedson, PhD
5 min readMar 8, 2021


Manly P. Hall pioneered modern character education in the unified field of spirituality. Character is how you do more than you think you can. Character education provides the foundation for metaphysical spirituality integral to secular and religious education.

Hall’s Words to the Wise: A Practical Guide to the Esoteric Sciences (1936/1964/2009) concisely deals with philosophical virtues, sources, schools, and psychic phenomena involved in study of the secret wisdom tradition. As Heraclitus exclaimed: “Character is fate.” Hall’s guide furnishes study plans for students and teachers of the esoteric sciences. The esoteric sciences will teach you about the basic elements and higher orders of science and spirituality and it all starts with character. To become a universal wisdom seeker, character virtues remain paramount. Even Manly P. Hall’s life is a testament to how to seek and spread universal wisdom for the benefit of yourself and humanity.

Manly P. Hall was founder of the University of Philosophical Research. Hall was an encyclopedic master of esoteric sciences by his early twenties. Since he was a young boy, Hall was drawn to mysticism. Mystics seek the direct experience of God and universal energy.

Hall’s the Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy (1928/2003) was revolutionary for its in-depth yet expansive treatment of the ancient mysteries, secret societies, hidden rituals of the mystery traditions, and buried treasures of religious history. From worship of the Sun and Zodiac, to the human body, animals, plants, the elements, alchemy, myths and archetypes, Hall’s work exhaustively reveals keys to the symbolic mysteries which unlock sublime divine truths, the goal of spiritual education and experience.

Studying Manly P. Hall raises certain fundamental questions about the esoteric researcher and lecturer. What were the foundations of Hall’s investigations of the secret teachings of all ages? The teachers and students at the mystery schools formal and informal would like to know how to approach this coveted multi-disciplinary system of knowledge and awareness. How do we reach the higher ethereal realms while learning to master and heal the lower worlds as well? I recommend starting with this article and moving on to the cited sources and multi-media recordings of Hall’s lectures on YouTube. Keyword search: Manly P. Hall and Secret Teachings of All Ages.

Hall’s approach to religion is based on a simple code connecting ethical values with love of wisdom. Hall discovered living ethical principles reveals spiritual insights. In other words, a solid ethical code is vital to obtaining wisdom. Let us look at some of Hall’s ethical principles to see how they relate to the attainment of sage wisdom. The methods are as important as the sources.

Hall advises students and teachers in Words to the Wise to “(d)o ill to no man, give to all that which is justly theirs, think good thoughts, perform kind actions, be patient in all things, and have faith in the Universal Power.” This is known to many as being positive even when you face a challenging crisis. Cicero knew: “the wise man is modest in success, patient in adversity, and at peace with all things.” Remain calm. Professionals make it look easy because they remain calm and graceful under pressure. There can be no long-term success in any venture including life in general without applying ethical first principles from the universal field of spirituality and the Law of One. Be positive and find peace. All health ailments with symptoms of inflammation can be reduced to stress on the mind, body, or spirit. Find peace and all the bounties will be given you.

In Words to the Wise, Hall notes all faiths are part of the Universal Wisdom religion. Spiritual investigation of inner esoteric wisdom comes from those mature enough to seek psychoanalytically and emotionally what is necessary for self-improvement. You must know what you want to know. In science, we call this testing hypotheses. Universal wisdom is viable across cultures, time, and space. You do not need to be a scholar to succeed as a wisdom seeker. You do not need great in-person teachers, but you can find their teachings online and in print. Do not just read the words but reflect on the ideas. Think for yourself. You are the best teacher you will ever have because you can determine what it is you want to know.

People from all religious backgrounds can seek divine truth. Pursuing a path in mystical philosophy is to seek direct participation in divine truth. “Self-unfoldment” involves disciplined purification, tradition, inspection, instruction, and illumination. Experience illuminates sacred knowledge and wisdom for individual seekers and initiates of mystery schools in all ages. Jamaican reggae superstar Bob Marley put it like this: “The Rasta man is a positive vibration.” Universal wisdom is about raising your vibration from negative forces to become aware of yourself and your connections to all material and spiritual forms of knowledge on multiple planes. Traveling the worlds is dangerous so how do you protect yourself?

In Words to the Wise, Hall emphasizes the importance of individual virtue for the metaphysician. He rails against deception and fraud for money. Buddha and Mohammed were solitary seekers of truth. A solid intellect and emotional nature must be under “good control.” Illumination is the reward for virtue and discipline.

Hall advises spiritual buyers to beware of deception in Words to the Wise. Hall says be on the lookout for occult fakers bearing false teachings. Material wealth from corrupt political structures does not make someone spiritually educated. “Philosophy makes men rich not in outward possessions but in inward consciousness.”

High and noble intensity of purpose is indeed the true cost of wisdom. Hall calls for right noble thought and action by those seeking wisdom. Those “faithful to the little things shall be made master over greater things” Being separate from Nature, God, and neighbors and loving gluttony result in individual organ disease and failure and the destruction of the collective environment thru wasteful exhaustion of resources. Respect for nature and all beings and environments is essential for peace, happiness, and survival.

Originally published at https://www.newsbreak.com.



Reid Friedson, PhD
Reid Friedson, PhD

Written by Reid Friedson, PhD

Multi-media essays on arts and sciences, culture and society, strategic law and politics, justice and spirituality, and metaphysics and converging technologies.

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