Space Consciousness, Singularity Technology, and Transhumanistic Ethics
Material artifacts and oral history for millennia have told us the seeds for life on Earth, or terasem in ancient Greek, originated in outer space. Our bio-seeds created extra-terrestrially were transported to this planet which explains why something deep in our genetic code and memory calls us home among the stars, planets, star systems, galaxies, and multiverse. We are terrestrial and extra-terrestrial beings here on Earth according to scientific facts and spiritual laws.
We know internally and externally we are cosmically and biologically connected to Earth and what Chief Seattle called “the universal web of life” extending deep into far away galaxies and subatomic molecular nanoparticles inside and outside of our own biological bodies. In other scientific words, quantum entanglement means the cells of all living things are one — -and we suffer from separation. It is from the moist clay of star dust our consciousness arose and it is with biological and technological adaptation that humans evolve. We are connected to our origins in space as we evolve here on Earth and return to space.
The job of post-modern scientists and trans-humanists is to map patterns large and small to discover how we are connected to evolution across space and time. We know individual brain based “will” Hume described guides hundreds of machine-like parts in our human minds to process heredity and our not always rational learned emotions. Thinking does not make us all we are as homo sapiens, so the complex nature, structures, and functions of consciousness remain one of the great mysteries of life. Consciousness is the medium driving the immortal soul and the soul is alive in our genetic code and minds. Consciousness is the ultimate energy source for technological empowerment.
Consciousness involves awareness and action to craft technological solutions for ourselves and our environments. Technology creates useful spaces, networks, tools, programs, procedures, and products. Internal and external spaces are linked because multiple dimensions of the universe or multiverse, organic beings, and inanimate objects are all connected, related, and transform. Conscious human beings should be concerned with knowing the history of the world resides in the self and technological machinations. Though we must democratically distribute machine-based intelligence, we must also learn to heal ourselves and care for the welfare of the worlds.
Our place in the fabric of time and space is central. Safe levels of diversity and unity are intertwined in the metaphorical double-helix of science and spirituality while information technology accelerates, and life moves further into inner and outer space. In other words, we have ethical imperatives as we evolve on Earth and return to our origins in outer space whether it is on our solar system, the Milky Way galaxy, or beyond.
Trans-humanists argue what make us human does not have to be lost in post-modern technological (r)evolution. To advance technology we must remain ethical. Without an ethical compass, we destroy life. It is our duty to protect life, so ethics are necessary for research and development in consciousness technology. This is techno-faith. To treat ourselves, our institutions, and our world with interconnected loving respect, individuals, and our species live longer when we recognize one is all and all is one. Technology is part of our evolution and we must figure out best practices to deal with this as machines and humans evolve together.
Technology can be applied ethically with a conscience or unethically without a conscience by individuals, groups, or societies. For example, nanoseed and nanorobotic technology, which compound information science and micro-electronics with high ethics can now cure diseases internally thru the blood or external environments to defend against terrorism. We must be cognizant of the power of technology since according to Moore’s Law it now doubles every two (2) years. Technology is speeding up quickly and accelerating as Kurzweil has stated succinctly and repeatedly in his techno-prophetic writings.
The importance of nanotechnology cannot be underestimated as futurists like Peter Diamandis, founder of Singularity University, remind us. Nanotechnology repairs, replicates, and monitors cells or molecular structures and processes. Nanotechnology at the molecular or cellular levels of a billionth of a meter can be abused by blood thirsty death cults which reject medical and other forms of normative ethics. Relatively danger-free nanotechnology and consensual geoethics however fill the multiverse with spatial diversity and omniscient power. So ethical imperatives are vital then in nanotechnological ventures.
Neuronanotechnology involving neural implants connected to atomic sized neurons now remedy mental health illnesses. Brain to computer music interfaces help stroke sufferers interact with musical performance. One day there will be a telepathic Brainnet where there was once the computer-based Internet. There was material and spiritual reality; now holographic projections interface with material artifacts to create virtual or augmented reality to improve lives. Already Elon Musk’s Neuralink has chimpanzees playing video games just using brain chip implant bandwidths.
Spiritual and ethical concerns warrant study because they are vital to best practices in research, development, and distribution of artificial intelligence. Humans are becoming more like machines and machines are becoming more like humans. Transhumanism reveals the post-human species combines biology and technology so by 2050 androids may have uploaded human minds as Neuralink is now testing with their experiments. The singularity is near as technological leaders enhance reality with revolutionary new commercial, governmental, and medical products for public and private consumption.
Our nanotechnological revolution expands upon earlier human agricultural, industrial, and information revolutions. The Turing Test (1950) inspires us seventy (70) years into the space age of computerized digital technology. We wonder whether artificial intelligence of machines and computers will move beyond selfishness to care more about another than itself. This is the definition of transhumanistic love, a characteristic not restricted to sentient human beings engaged in the web of universal life. Love heals all beings, not just humans and our creations. Hate destroys social fabric. With love we explore and map the inner space of our psyche and as a species migrate across the outer space of the cosmos.