Edgar Cayce Prophecies on the Hebrews and the Americas
Edgar Cayce is probably the most legitimate psychic the world has ever known. He was a Bible loving Sunday school teacher who healed thousands of people of baffling diseases modern medical science could not.
Edgar Cayce founded the Association of Research and Enlightenment (ARE) during a global economic Depression (1932). Cayce was a prolific practicing healer who only wanted to serve God and people. The details of Cayce’s life are a model for those with gifts who wish to help lead the healing of themselves, others, and the world. Nothing could be me important as we enter a New Age and a new presidential administration and legislative congress in 2021. If there was ever a role model for meditation, it would be Edgar Cayce.
Edgar Cayce left a copious record for us to examine if Cayce was truly spiritually gifted. Edgar Cayce left more than 14,000 telepathic and clairvoyant records with readings from 6,000 diseased or troubled people over a forty-three (43) year period. Cayce would lay down on his couch in his office and put himself into a deep trance. Cayce readings under self-hypnosis indicated talents, urges, weaknesses, and interests of even newborn babies. Cayce could see thru the babies’ to their past lives and he would speak about what he saw of their past lives while the tape recorder was running. Cayce’s secretary could remember “only three (3) times Cayce’s readings were incorrect.” Edgar Cayce was born with a gift ne he used it to heal the world.
The literature on Edgar Cayce’s work is abundant and inspiring. Here are a few sources to get you started studying this fascinating human being. Edgar Cayce: Modern Prophet (1967/1989) contains four (4) inspiring books. Mary Ellen Carter, under the editorship of Hugh Lynn Cayce, authored Edgar Cayce On Prophecy. Harmon Hartzell Bro, PhD, also under the editorship of Hugh Lynn Cayce, authored Edgar Cayce: On Religion and Psychic Experience. Noel Langley authored Edgar Cayce: On Reincarnation under the editorship of Hugh Lynn Cayce. Henry Reed authored Edgar Cayce: On the Mysteries of the Mind under the editorship of Charles Thomas Cayce. Each of these four (4) books utilize primary source records of the “Sleeping Prophet” as he accessed the Akashic Record of all times. The original audio recordings of Edgar Cayce on which this compilation is based are still archived at the Association for Research and Enlightenment in Virginia Beach. You can go there and hear the recordings for yourself and there are many interesting videos on Cayce broadcast by YouTube.
In his psychic readings, Cayce predicted the return of the Jews to their homeland as prophesized in the Bible. Cayce said many ancient Jews migrated to the southwestern United States, Mexico, and the Yucatan. There are many interesting parallels between the ancient Israelites and the First Nations of the Americas. For example. the name of the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan roughly translates to “Five Books of Moses Atlantis.” Cayce went so far as to say based on his readings the Lost Tribes of Israel influenced Peru and the Iltan Temple of Yucatan Mexico. This is not so hard to believe since modern Jews made the desert thrive in Israel on their prophesized return in 1948 and had been doing so wandering around the world for thousands of years like the Celts and Vikings. Cayce’s readings remain a treasure trove of lost history and prophecy and you will no doubt enjoy delving into their fascinating revelations.
In his own version of modern shamanic trance, Cayce provided detail on the Mount Carmel School of Prophets. Edgar Cayce said he discovered in trance the Mount Carmel School of Prophets was started by Elijah. The Essene monastery at Qumran which produced the Dead Sea Scrolls already stood around the time of Jesus and is at least hundreds if not thousands of years old. The Essene monastery was a self-contained community similar in design to monasteries later built across Europe, Asia, and North Africa before and after Jesus’ death. Perhaps one day an Essene Temple will be found near Masada where ancient Hebrews died like patriots defending their homeland from Roman occupiers of the place the Romans named Palestine.
The Romans destroyed the Essenes according to the cotemporary accounts left by Josephus, Pliny, and Philo. Cayce stated in a reading, the Essenes believed in reincarnation lending credence to the theory the Essenes were influenced by Eastern ideas including Zoroastrianism. In On Religion and Psychic Experience, Cayce remotely viewed the presence of women at Qumran, which has long been denied by scholars but grows in grassroots and scholarly intrigue so much so that Cayce’s claim has proven true by recent archaeological discoveries.
Cayce even shockingly stated in On Prophecy, Jesus’ first teacher on Mosaic law, the Prophets, the mysteries, and astrology was Mary’s handmaid, Josie. The prophetess Judy, Cayce says, also taught Jesus, the Essenes, and the early Christians the prophecies following Jesus’ crucifixion. So it is clear female teachers were Jesus’ teachers. There is strong evidence from his teachings themselves they were deeply influenced by the concept of the sacred feminine, chakras, and sefirot or vessels of universal awareness.
Edgar Cayce transmitted long lost messages of importance for modern times. Cayce issued a dire warning for us today. Cayce noted in On Prophecy, there would be revolution in America if we do not live in “universal oneness.” He said the leveling will come along with “fear from those who control capital investment.” Cayce mentioned international currency stabilization will be necessary to alleviate coming hardships and “cooperation in productivity was more promising than ruthless competition.” Cayce was advocating for the loving cooperative commonwealth over the fascist empire of brutal greed. The scientists of the New Age must learn these spiritual laws. Primitive desire must be balanced by higher consciousness.
Cayce’s ominous message for those watching the sick betrayal of democracy with corrupt elections fraud in the United States of America in 2016 and in the corrupt rackets and fraud of the Trump Administration from 2016–2021 make us realize it is true “all that glitters is not gold.”